Providing social services with focus on quality of life

Representative Payee Services

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Representative Payee?

A representative payee receives Social Security and/or SSI payments for someone who has difficulty in managing, or chooses not to manage, his or her money. The main responsibility of a payee is to use the funds to pay for the beneficiary’s current needs and to maintain accurate records for the beneficiary and others as required.

What are Our Responsibilities?

It is our responsibility to determine your needs and the best way to use your funds to meet those needs. This includes shelter, food, clothing, transportation and other items. We report to the Social Security Administration (SSA) regularly on how the funds have been spent. We also report changes such as work activities, relocation, marriage, births, deaths, etc.

What are Your Responsibilities?

It is your responsibility to report any changes to us immediately. If you have a caseworker, we need to know his or her name and organization to help us better serve your needs. If a third person receives funds for you we need receipts for every disbursement. We may also require other receipts if determined necessary by the staff. All your requests and changes must be submitted in writing prior to check day. Most of our communication is done by mail and phone and email. If you need to see us in person an appointment is required. Appointments are to discuss distribution of funds, change of basic requests problems, or if you need help with SSA forms.

What Fees are Involved?

Our Fees are determined by the Social Security Administration (SSA). Call us at 570-617-4944 for the current rate.